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Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. It's just a light kiss but turn into the passionate one. "You want take me as your boyfriend, right?" Lay asked and put his hands on Sehun's shoulder. Lay lift his head up and looking deeply into Sehun's eyes. "How can I kiss you when you hide it from me?" Sehun chuckled and smirked. I didn't mind if you kiss me." Lay still hide his burn face. I said 'Our' first kiss not you but I didn't mind to steal your second kiss." Sehun rubbed his back neck but one of his hand still holding Lay. "Can we make our first kiss?" Sehun asked shyly." But you already stole my first kiss." Lay shyly said and hide his face on Sehun's neck. I like you too." Sehun smiled and hugged back. I love you." Lay hugged him but himself can't hide his blushed. Lay walking closer to Sehun and hugged him."I like you. That's not what I mean." Lay hugged Sehun and rubbed his back."Then what it is?" Sehun sobbed."Sehun." Lay sighed. "No!" Lay answer without thinking."So you hate me hyung?" Sehun face turn into sad expression. "Hyung, are you really going to do that with me?" Sehun asked shyly as Lay face turn into burn one. Sehun still stand straight in front of him." Sehun why you not sit?" Lay blanked. After Lay closed his door and sit at his chair. "Let's go Sehun!" Lay pulled Sehun's wrist and left both elders who still fighting like a kid. "Ge you're so bad!" Lay hit Boran's chest with his burn face."Fxkk!" Luhan hit Boran's head."Auchh! Stop beating me!" Boran protest."It's your fault losing Lay's innocence!" Luhan keep beating him." Ge staph it!" Lay tried to calm they shit down. "Ge!!!!" Lay turned around and see Boran Ge smirked. "Do what? I still didn't get what you mean?" Lay blanked but then he blushed hardly after someone whisper "Sex" at his ear.

"Do what?" Lay blanked." Well hyung don't act like you don't know when you're the one invite me to."Sehun shyly said. we cant do that before confessed to other." Sehun rubbed his back neck.

"Ready what?" Lay blanked."Well hyung we.still didn't confess to each other. "You! Ish! come let's go to my room." Lay said as turned around and start walking."But hyung, I'm not ready." Sehun blushed. I miss you." Sehun smiled as Lay blushed. You can fall if you didn't cautious." Lay warned him. He really excited he can meet Lay after a month schedule and today is his medical check up.